K-8 Biliteracy Night
K-8 Biliteracy Night
School-sponsored event. Please attend to support your child's journey towards bilingualism & biliteracy!
School-sponsored event. Please attend to support your child's journey towards bilingualism & biliteracy!
Students can bring their VIP to this beloved yearly Collinswood K-8 event. Tickets - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/collinswood-medieval-ball-tickets-1105414236739?aff=oddtdtcreator Volunteers are needed. Please sign up here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C0D4EA8AA22A5F4C43-54007883-collinswood We would love to have your help on the planning committee! Contact Priscilla to join!
Please join us on zoom for our PTA meeting. This meeting is able to have Spanish translation. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5615663994?pwd=RndleU1udzM3dUk0V1V0TWF6Qlp6QT09 Meeting ID: 561 566 3994 Passcode: PTAMeeting PTA membership brings with it several benefits, including the ability to vote on PTA budget matters and elect PTA Officers. We invite you to join or renew your PTA membership […]
Our Room Parents will be hosting a wonderful friendship celebration with our students in their classrooms.
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