Room Parents
Helpful ResourcesRoom Parent Information
A room parent is a fantastic and unique opportunity to get to know and serve your child’s teacher in ways that he or she will greatly appreciate. As the primary liaison between the teachers and students’ families, room parents help reinforce the idea that teachers, parents and the administration work as a team to meet students’ needs and make Collinswood Language Academy a great school.
The key to being an effective Room Parent is communication. Communication with the teacher to understand his/her needs, and communication with parents to coordinate filling the teacher’s needs is important. Your job is not to DO all the work, but to delegate! All classrooms require a Room Parent, and you may find it helpful to share the job with another parent. You provide a direct link between parents and the classroom. Our school and Jaguar community wouldn’t be as strong without the efforts of our Room Parents.

Why Should I Be a Room Parent?
- You’ll get to know your child’s teacher better than any other parent. You’ll also have plenty of opportunities to interact with your child’s teacher directly.
- Your child will think you are super cool for helping with all of the classroom parties!
- You will engage with many other class parents (and students) with whom you may not have otherwise gotten to know.
Room Parent Responsibilities
Create a Classroom Contact List
- Send a letter introducing yourself to the class and ask parents to send you their names, phone numbers and email addresses.
- Create a contact list and distribute it to all the parents in your class.
Serve as the Teacher Liaison
You are the direct link between your classroom teacher and the other parents in the class. Stay in touch with the teacher to see what he or she needs. You may be asked to organize a snack schedule, request specific supplies from parents, or recruit volunteers to help in the classroom.
Help Coordinate Three Classroom Parties
Throughout the year, you’ll help the teacher and other parent volunteers coordinate three classroom parties. The classroom parties take place in December (Winter Celebration), February (Friendship Celebration), and June (End of Year Celebration). Remember, your job is not to DO all the work, but coordinate, communicate, and enlist the help of others!
Organize Efforts to Celebrate and Thank your Teacher
Teacher birthdays, Teacher Appreciation Week and Holidays are all great times to show some love to your teacher. As the Room Parent, you’ll coordinate these special events.
- Teacher Birthdays | The Room Parent Coordinator will let you know when your teacher and/or assistant teacher have a birthday. Your job is to let the other parents know when these special days are coming up. You can either organize a class gift or encourage parents/students to make cards and send gifts on their own.
- Teacher Appreciation | The PTA does a lot to celebrate and thank our teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week. We may ask Room Parents to find volunteers to cover a classroom so that Teachers can be treated to a special lunch. You may also want to organize a group gift from the class.
- Holiday Gifts | You are welcome to organize a class gift for your teacher and/or assistant teacher at the holidays, but this is not required.
Room Parent Resources
We have everything you need to be a successful Room Parent! Check out the resources below to find information on party ideas and more.
Letter Templates
Introduction Letter Template
Winter Celebration Letter Template
Friendship Celebration Letter Template
End of Year Party Letter Template
Teacher Birthday Letter Template
Request Supplies Letter Template
Party Game Ideas
Friendship Party Game Ideas
End of Year Party Game Ideas
Parachute Game Ideas
Year Round Party Game Ideas
Winter Party Game Ideas
Need More Ideas? Have Questions?