The advocacy committee promotes advocacy on behalf of children and family engagement.
The audit committee conducts audits and financial reviews in accordance with PTA Bylaws, Article 11.
This team assembles, produces, and distributes an e-Newsletter 1-2 times per month. We rely on a team of editors, content creators, translators, and those with 3rd party email marketing experience to help create our newsletters.
Do you have ideas for new before or after-school activities we should offer?
GroupMe is a free mobile group messaging app and serves as one of our primary methods of distributing information quickly and efficiently.
This is our primary PTA fundraising campaign with a Fall and Spring drive to solicit financial donations from parents and local corporate sponsors.
Plan parties, assist with Casa needs and are a go-to group when middle school teachers need assistance with a project or goal.
The nominating committee works to identify talented, motivated, and responsible individuals to serve as PTA Officers of Collinswood PTA.
Promotes general PTA Awareness across Collinswood community; provides support to new joiners or new members of Collinswood community.
The PTA uses Facebook and Instagram to distribute information, highlight events, and share photos and other opportunities.
We rely heavily on volunteers willing to translate various communications-related items from English to Spanish.
This team determines merchandise assortment, manages the vendor relationship, and runs “pop-up” style sales booths at PTA back-to-school events as well as the online store.
Help our Visiting International Faculty get situated in Charlotte at the start of the school year.
Supports PTA Events teams to gather enough volunteers, stay on timeline and submit their announcement requests to Communications on a timely basis.
The PTA website is regularly updated with new events, news, and information for our school community.